Friday, June 7, 2013

Western Tiger Swallowtail

The Swallowtails are the largest butterflies in North America. This one is feeding on my butterfly bush. Tiger Swallowtails can reach up to 4" across and are very graceful and beautiful. Their favorite flowers are lilacs, buckeye, thistles and zinnias. I am not sure of the name of this butterfly bush, but it is about 10 ft. tall and covered in flowers which look and smell similar to lilacs.

Caterpillars of this butterfly feed on leaves of cottonwood, willows, aspens, wild cherry and ash.

Butterflies are the symbol of the Resurrection. This comes from their transformation which dies and emerges anew.

"I AM the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in ME, though he were dead, yet shall he live."

John 11:25 KJV

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