Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Fall Poem by Meemaw

I posted this few years back but wanted to share it again. My mother, known as "Meemaw" by all is 95 years young. It amazes me all the things she remembers from her childhood and things I don't even remember about my childhood.

Recently her neice and husband came to visit her. She recited a poem about fall leaves that she had memorized when she was in the 2nd grade. She never stumbled, just as though she were reading it from a book.

"Come Little Leaves"........Author Unkown

Come little leaves
Said the wind one day.
Come over the meadow
With me and play.
Put on your coats of red and gold,
For Summer has gone
And the days grow cold.
Dancing and flying
The little leaves went;
For winter had come
And they were content.
Fast asleep in their earthly beds,
The Snow lay a white blanket
Over their sleepy heads.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never ceases to amaze me either. A beautiful Picture and fitting poem. Priceless!

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