Thursday, October 11, 2012

Turk's Cap (Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii)

This Turk's Cap is unusual and I had never seen one before, just the blood red ones. My best friend gave me this one when it was a very small plant.

Like the red species, this one too is a member of the Mallow family and it blooms all year long. Other common names are Mexican-apple, Drummond wax-mallow and Scotch Purse. When it produces the seed pod, it is bright red and about the size of a dime and looks like an apple.

It's fun to share plants, especially unusual ones. My grandmother always told me "don't ever say 'thank you' to someone for a plant or it will die. Just one of many old wives tales, but when I give plants away I always remember that.

This plant grows wild in southern parts of the state, but is not found in northeast where we live. It does adapt well and makes a beautiful show of bright blooms in your garden. Butterflies and hummingbirds love it!

Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth.
Psalm 124:8

1 comment:

Kristy said...

love it and the new background too!

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