Thursday, September 23, 2010

Climbing Hempweed

Member of Aster Family
Blooms: June - November
We found this beautiful vine alongside a lake and it was covering everything! It twined and climbed over all the other plants surrounding it. Its tiny tubular shaped blooms had a very sweet vanilla fragrance.
Climbing Hempweed is found in eastern and central parts of the state.
Its peak bloom time is early fall. It can be found in river bottoms, near lakes, swamps and marshes. It is also called Climbing Boneset. It is the only native climber in the Aster family in Texas. Click on picture for a closer look at the tiny white blooms, so pretty! We found the Painted Lady Butterfly feeding on the tiny flowers.
"HE destroyeth their vines with hail and their sycamore trees with frost."
Psalm 78:47

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