Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Purslane .....Brighten Up Your Garden!

Member of Portulaca Family
Blooms all summer
This is a very beautiful plant and comes in many bright colors. It is a member of the succulents. It takes full sun and requires small amounts of moisture. It is low growing and sprawling. It's beautiful flowers close up at night and begin to open to the early morning sun. By noon, they are fully open and bright neon colored in the sunlight. I love the color of this one.
There is a Wild Purslane, with the same leaves, but has tiny yellow flowers. It is considered a weed to most .
In the Mediterranean, the Wild Purslane is used in soups and salads and has lots of potential health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels because of its omega-3 fatty acids. In Mexico, the wild variety is called Verdolga and it is used in omelets, or dropped by the handful into soups and stews.
"And HE shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgement as the noonday."
Psalm 37:6

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