Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monarch's Caterpillar

If you look a few pictures back, you will see the beautiful Monarch Butterfly perched on my Butterfly Weed in my garden. She was laying her eggs. Today, I discovered these pretty caterpillars, unfortunately, the beautiful plant is completely stripped of all leaves and flowers. The caterpillars will make a chrysalis and in about a month, a new Monarch Butterfly will emerge. Oh, well, life goes on and my plant will be back in spring. I will try to watch closely and get pictures of the "work in progress". All part of GOD's plan for Mother Nature..........awesome! Be sure to click on picture and see the amazing detail of this caterpillar.


Kristy said...

Titus loves this. It reminds him of his ver hungry caterpillar book. we didn't know they had 2 sets of anteanas.

Merry said...

sorry they stripped your plant, but i'm sure they looked at it as just another feeding station provided by the sisks. :)
just think, when it grows into a beautiful butterfly, you can say look what i helped grow!

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