Saturday, August 8, 2009

Yellow Garden Spiders

How about this scarey lady? Yes, she is the female of the Garden Spiders, Argiope, and are called Orbweavers.
Orbe-weavers produce familiar flat, ornate circular webs. They come in many shapes and sizes, this brightly colored Garden Spider is the best known and the largest. The females are about 1" long with much longer legs. The males are about 1/4 of her size and usually stay on the web with her. They are marked with yellow, black, orange or silver. They are usually harmless, but can make you hurt yourself. I had to get really close to this one, if she had jumped on me, it would have been all over!!!! Click for a closer view of her and her unique web and the beautiful detail of her coloring.
"Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to GOD with loud songs of joy! For the LORD the Most HIgh is to be feared, a great king over all the earth."
Psalm 47:1-2

1 comment:

Merry said...

hate hate HATE spiders. i've had these in my yard before (not every year-must have something to do with the weather?) the last one (2 years ago) built across my back porch. i didn't go out that way for weeks. one of my sweet across the street neighbors is a bug guy. he came and got her and took her to work as a pet. yes, he's sweet (rescued me), but just a little weird (a spider, i don't care how pretty, for a pet?)
okay, clicking on the picture for a closer look was not a good idea...yikes!

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