Sunday, August 30, 2009

Grandma and the Mule

We have enjoyed our Kawasaki Mule so very much. We can go almost anywhere. It really helps in our search of new flowers.
I love taking the grandsons for rides around the place. They help grandpa haul corn to the deer feeders. Kids help keep you young! We have 3 grandsons who are the light of our lives!! Family is so very important to us and it is God's wonderful gift to us all. Live, Love and Laugh! Always put
GOD first in your life and Family second and you will have a wonderful, joy filled life. We are truly blessed.

1 comment:

Merry said...

this explains my confusion of a few days ago (doesn't mean i'm not confused about other things...) when kristy said she liked the picture of the mule and i said waht mule, i didn't see a mule. :)

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